Monday, March 24, 2014

Professional Employee Characteristics
            As we students’ progress into the professional world it is very important that we understand the certain characteristics and qualities that make us valuable employees in our future workplace. In my research I found the two most compelling characteristics that appealed to employers the most were honesty and communication.
            First, we have been taught to be honest by our adult influences from a very young age, and the importance of honesty is just as crucial, if not more, in our workplace. Lying about even small situations may turn what could have been a quick fix into a large problem with a lasting negative impact. No one wants to work with someone they cannot trust (Francis, K.A.).
            Second, communicating effectively is a telling sign of professionalism. Whether you are working as a team, or simply reporting to your supervisor, if you are lacking communication skills it will hurt your career (Francis, K.A.). While working with a team you will need constant effective communication to ensure the group goals are met. If working individually, your supervisor should always be informed of your personal progress with your short-term and long-term goals.

            In order to be viewed as a professional, it is very important to be aware of the integrity of your work. Being mindful of your honesty in the workplace, and perfecting your communication skills will both help avoid any problems you may be having, from becoming even bigger in the future.

Francis, K. A. (n.d.). What are the characteristics of professionalism?. Retrieved from
Norton, A. (2010, July 27). 10 things that define a true professional. Retrieved from

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